Monday, May 18, 2009

Mommy's little Monster: The video! coming soon!!

We've been hard at work over the winter working on a few video projects. One of them has been creating a video of Mommy's Little Monster, the story of a teen monster, gaining critical consciousness about the factory farming of Human beings, and falling in love in the process. Read any Paulo Freire lately? ... I havn't. Here is one picture.

More at

summer 06' coney island.

reviews for Puppet Alice: good!

....The final chapters, "Who Stole the Tarts" and "Alice's Evidence," were created by the Puppet State Player and performed by Colin Atrophy and Noah Apple Mayers. This piece is absolutely hilarious. It imagines that Vin Diesel wants to write a movie for kids but with lots of car chases and explosions. He goes to the library and discovers Alice in Wonderland but he decides to call it "Malice in Murderland." The Diesel voiceover is great and the dialogue is so funny. It's told partly with a scrolling scenery and partly through some puppets. The illustrations are well done but the puppet work is not as creative as the concept and dialogue, but still this is a great scene to end on...

Alice in Wonderland Puppet Festival

Drama of works

Richard Hinojosa · September 21, 2007

Interview and Puppet show from 2007 summer

We're on Look Book! aaahh
Look Book